A great new book is about to emerge “Giordano Bruno and The Hermetic Tradition”! Giordano Bruno: born February 1548 to February 1600. Bruno was tried for heresy by the Roman Inquisition on charges of denial of several core Catholic doctrines, including eternal damnation, the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the virginity of Mary, and transubstantiation. Bruno's pantheism was not taken lightly by the church, nor was his teaching of metempsychosis regarding the reincarnation of the soul. The Inquisition found him guilty, and he was burned at the stake in Rome at Campo de' Fiori in 1600. After he perished (at the hands of the church!), he gained considerable fame, being particularly celebrated by 19th- and early 20th-century commentators who regarded him as a martyr for science. Historians are of the opinion his heresy trial was not a response to his cosmological views but rather a response to his religious and afterlife views. Bruno was deeply influenced by the presocratic Empedocles, Neoplatonism, Renaissance Hermeticism, and Book of Genesis-like legends surrounding the Hellenistic conception of Hermes Trismegistus.
Bruno's infinite universe was filled with a substance—a "pure air",Aether, or spiritus—that offered no resistance to the heavenly bodies. Giordano Bruno was one of the most fascinating figures of the Renaissance, and was burned at the stake for heresy by the Inquisition in Rome on Ash Wednesday in 1600. The primary evidence against him was the book Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast, or Spaccio de la bestia trionfante; a daring indictment of the church that abounded in references to classical Greek mythology, Egyptian religion (especially the worship of Isis), Hermeticism, magic, and astrology!
NO I DO NOT GET KICKBACKS for recommending this book (I already have a pre-release copy so I can tell you how great it is however!) "Giordano Bruno and The Hermetic Tradition” by Frances Yates is one of the definitive books on Renaissance occult studies, Hermeticism, and Renaissance philosophy. This book not only serves as a great introduction to the intellectual milieu of the Renaissance, but it also bridges the gap between the Late-Renaissance magical thinking and the dawn of Enlightenment rationality. SEE PICTURES BELOW OF COVER AND CONTENTS
This book profiles the fascinating outsider Giordano Bruno, who lectured on cosmology, philosophy, and memory, among other topics. These ideas led to his eventual arrest by the Roman Catholic Inquisition, where he was held captive and interrogated for 7 years. Bruno refused to recant his ideas on theology and the universe and was, as said, subsequently burned alive in 1600. He remains a martyr to this day for syncretism, mysticism, free speech, and science alike. Frances Yates puts forth the notion that Giordano Bruno was operating within a Hermetic Tradition. A thesis some find controversial to this day. Its always IMPORTANT to look at the great works of people the church considers to be ultimate heretics!
She extensively covers the importation of Neoplatonism and Hermeticism into Italy at the beginning of the Renaissance. By going through the works of intellectuals of the time, Yates is able to paint a picture of the various mystical traditions (Kabbalah, Neoplatonism, Astrology, Magick) active within a conservative Catholic culture. Figures like Cornelius Agrippa, Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Robert Fludd, and Giordano Bruno are all profiled by Yates in this edition. Her work is exciting, innovative, and remains interesting to academics and laymen alike. This hardcover edition has been restored by Gallowglass Books and contains colored images, new high-resolution scans, and translated Latin titles. This edition is limited to 2,500 copies and features cover design by Max Löffler and interior book design by Farzana Razak.
All pre-orders will begin shipping in April of 2025.
I got goosebumps! Giordano Bruno, I can't wait.
I would love to see a video on Youtube from you about Bruno.
Cool, I just got my pre order.